
Romare Bearden Park Ranked Among Fastest-Growing Places In The U.S For Dogs To Take A Fat Shit

UPTOWN — Romare Bearden Park has been named one of America’s fastest-growing destinations for dogs to drop a fat shit, with more than 911,300 canines having dropped a sizable deuce there as of 2024, according to new Census Bureau data released today.

This milestone secures Romare Bearden Park’s position as the 22nd-largest dog-shitting hub in the United States and the 3rd fastest-growing region for the activity. On average, 117 people bring their dogs to defecate at the park daily, drawn by its lush, green grass and the community’s collective indifference to picking it up.

“Romare Bearden continues its explosive growth in dog poop, building on the momentum we’ve seen year after year,” said Rob Thorton, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer for the CLT Defecation Alliance, in a press release. “These brown trends underscore the importance of smart investments and policies to ensure our region can continue to grow and thrive. After all, where our dogs shit will define our future.”

Looking ahead to 2029, the park is projected to see even more growth in canine excrement, thanks to strategic initiatives like expanded access to unused doggie bags and ongoing neglect of waste disposal etiquette.